Downriver Volunteer Fire Company
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Our Mission Statement:
The Downriver Volunteer Fire Company shall provide firefighting, emergency medical services and rescue to anyone in need within our response area. We will provide mutual aid to neighboring fire departments whenever needed.
Last Update: May 2, 2016
Chief Dooly has retired as of 5/3/2016
So, you want to be a Wildland Firefighter…
Are you interested in wildland fire fighting? And possibly making some money during fire season? There are certain classes required to be completed before you can get a Red Card. And you must have a Red Card in order to work the wild fires. There are also classes that must be completed before you can even ride on a fire engine. Basic wildland courses may be completed on line through the website. The other classes must be completed in a classroom setting. Be sure to print out the certificates of completion as they will be required to be on file with the department.
These classes are as follows:
Title 22 First Aid - Classroom - 24 hours. Required to ride on an engine.
CPR with AED - Classroom - 5 hours. Required to ride on an engine.
Basic Wildland Firefighting Classes:
S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Orientation
S-130 Firefighter Training
S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior
L-180 Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service
These classes are available at:
Times will vary depending entirely on you.
You will need a Student Identification Number, also available on line at:
Prerequisites for these classes will be Incident Command training.
Use the contact box at the bottom of the page,